My Dear Students,
World has become a small village as we can communicate with each other in
fraction of second. This is the new era for communication, new era for a change. In
this new world there only thing which is stable & that is change.
There is a tough competition in every field & to go with this competition we need
to be as tough as this competition. We at Vamanrao Ithape D. Pharmacy
College, Sangamner are doing our best to keep of us fit & tough for this
challenging competition. These efforts are our contribution for the society. As we
know we all live in a society & it’s our duty to keep it healthy & fit to survive.
VIDPC has a strong faith that quality of Pharma education can make a difference.
We at VIDPC are providing every facility to make a student a proficient
pharmacist. We are deeply concerned with theory based & practical based
education. Our aim here is to make them a leader in every field.