To cater proposed BAMS Rukmini Ayurved College Trust has come up with National
Ayurved Hospital at Sangamner. This is a thoughtful initiative to offer quality and
affordable Ayurvedic Treatments and a holistic healing experience. The 100
Bedded National Ayurveda Hospital is well laid out 0.5 km from Nashik Pune
Vision of this Hospital is “To treat our patients through Ayurveda for the benefit
of humanity” &
The Mission is “To bring the Ayurveda Health Care of Highest Standards within the
reach of every individual and work on patient’s safety and quality of care”.
The Hospital has multiple OPDs running at the same time with full-fledged
Panchakarma Department having Snehan Swedan, Shirodhara and Nasya
There is an in house 24 hours pharmacy available having various Ayurveda
Products. There are Variety of wards available having general ward, Semi Special
ward and special rooms. The hospital is also equipped with an ICU, NICU, Labor
room, one minor OT and two major OTs.
Hence National Ayurveda Hospital will be a perfect blend of
advanced diagnostics facilities with classical Ayurveda and Naturopathy. This will
give very good results having the concept of bringing a holistic approach to
treatments and therapies. Also the patient will be treated considering the health
issues, lifestyle as well as preventing diseases through proven techniques.